Trans Voices – Becoming Who You Are

Creative and Art News

My body does not define who I am. I am a boy, but my body may show different. I know who I am and I don’t need anyone to tell me and call me what I’m not.” – Anonymous

From social worker and local professional author Declan Henry, comes this beautiful new book, Trans Voices – (Becoming Who You Are), which focuses on the trans community, including many trans people who reside in Kent –  some of which were interviewed for the book.
It’s intended audience? Everyone. In straightforward terms, it explains everything that anybody needs to know in order to gain a better understanding and awareness of transgender people and the wider trans community. (And just look at that beautiful, thought provoking cover!)

Trans Voices Cover

A guide-book to becoming who you truly are.

Book blurb:


“Imagine what it must be like to feel you are a woman ‘trapped’ in a man’s body. Or a man ‘trapped’ in a woman’s body. And what happens if you decide to reject your birth gender and become a trans man or a trans woman?

In this absorbing book you can hear the voices of those who have decided to face their fears to undergo the transition process and become who they really believe they are. You’ll share their despair when they are down – and their joy when at last they become the person they want to be, having overturned their birth assignation and completed the most testing journey of their lives.

And along the way you will be invited to meet and understand a whole cast of characters including non-binary people who do not feel they fit into either gender category as well as cross-dressers who form part of the broader trans community.”

If you’re interested in reading this book, you can purchase it from either Amazon or Waterstones. If you’ve already read this book, leave a comment below on what you thought!

For more information on the author, visit Declans website by clicking his name.